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We sat down with former UK and NBA basketball player-turned philanthropist Derek Anderson for our #502LeaderSeries. Derek is a champion of kindness and spreads this message in everything he does. Have a listen and learn how you can improve your own life and your community through simple acts of kindness.


Mo McKnight Howe owner of Revelry Boutique

I met Mo about a year ago, just after we started this crazy Yes Louisville project. Her store, Revelry Gallery, was the first retailer that I had asked to sell our shirts. She said yes. That gave me some hope that maybe we were doing something right. It also showed me who she is. A risk taker. A leader.

Her shop, Revelry Boutique Gallery, is a showcase of great Louisville art and a place where people can make their creations available for purchase in a cool, comfortable and friendly environment. They have shows and events that highlight the artists and creators and put them on a stage. It didn't happen overnight- it took years of work and love and effort but the result is a landmark of our community. I'm thankful that we have people like Mo to help lead the way and expand the idea of what's possible.

Listen to the #502LeaderSeries podcast and hear how Mo McKnight Howe got her start as an artist, a business owner and so much more!

You may not recognize this FACE of Louisville at first without her trademark glasses, but photographer Mo McKnight Howe’s influence on the local art community is very much recognizable. Mo is the owner of Revelry Boutique Gallery in NuLu, a hybrid establishment that is equal parts boutique and art gallery, where she hand-picks and showcases beautiful pieces from local artists. And if you still don’t recognize her, she’s also the little sister of J.K. McKnight, founder of the Forecastle Festival, an annual event in which she is very involved as well. Mo’s philosophy is that she’s an artist first and foremost, and here she shares why for artists, creating is not just a want, but a need.


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