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Video content is relentlessly gaining traction, trying to grab the biggest piece of the pie and leaving static types of content far, far behind. How long do you think you’ll be able to blunt the attack of the skyrocketing tendency before this avalanche eventually forces you out of the industry? Hands down, change is always frustrating and uncomfortable.

However, in today’s constantly shifting business environment, especially in eCommerce, waiting for the old world order to return is nothing short of madness, for it will never do. Hence, you’ve got no other choice but to embrace the snowballing trend and squeeze every drop of value out of it. Otherwise, you are sure to reach a tipping point at which your ecommerce business will irreversibly run the risk of becoming antiquated. But this is not the track you’re going to follow, right?


Video is predicted to be a priority content type among digitally native Millennials (users between 18 and 34 years old) who were the first to grow up with the Internet. Being easy to digest and less demanding, online video is far more likely to engage fast-moving, tech-savvy Millennials, the most active video viewer’s group, and drive them to share its content within their social circle. Totally dependent on social, they exhibit entirely different shopping habits, thereby paving the way for their own rules of ecommerce. So think and market accordingly.
Crafted and submitted by third-party users – consumers, social media followers, or whosoever emotionally engaged with your brand – awesome user-generated content is hands down a sure-fire tool for promoting your brand and keeping it top of mind among consumers. Through delivering a truly authentic user experience, user-generated content proves to be more credible and persuasive than an in-your-face, intrusive ad created by a company itself, which is sure to drive yet more social engagement and conversion, and help your brand make a big splash in the long run.


With live streaming movement incessantly gaining momentum, deploying a video-based content strategy to reach out your target audience is really worth consideration. Downright unpredictability and unquestionable authenticity of live broadcasting are those two virtues that resonate with the audience and account for its snowballing popularity. Incorporating live-stream content into your marketing strategy may come out to be quite challenging and you may find it hard at first to figure out what exactly you could translate into live stream.
There is a wide range of content that can be easily converted into a video format. Here’s what you can do:
– give preview of product features
– highlight launches
– showcase your service
Actually, the opportunities of live streaming go far beyond the aforementioned ones inasmuch as streaming platforms are suitable for almost anything from behind-the-scenes footage to Q&A sessions.
What’s more important, it’s not gonna cost you big bucks.


Though consumers are not still proactively utilizing the technology here there and everywhere, nonetheless virtual reality shows considerable potential to rock almost every industry in the short term, so you’d better keep an eye out.
According to Goldman Sachs report, the VR market is predicted to outperform the TV market in annual revenue by 2025, generating $182 billion dollars ($110bn in hardware and $72bn in software) in the “accelerated uptake” scenario.
One of the content niches VR has got traction in is 360-degree video. By turning product images into three-dimensional ones and thereby adding depth to 360-degree product video, virtual reality technology is smart enough to improve user experience through translating it into an immersive one.

Hart Street Entertainment - Building Blocks In the Business

Hart Street Entertainment is dedicated to building strong artists and innovative brands that will greatly impact the entertainment industry. Using a full service approach, the company aims to maximize profits and exposure in partnership with clients. Hart Street brings together some of the best minds in their respective fields to generate an atmosphere of achievement and success.


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