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My dad battled cancer for about a year before passing. He left a great legacy and this is my tribute to him. 
I wrote this song at a time when I had been thinking a lot about him, and how I wished I could have known him better. I wrote it from a couple of perspectives. If I did find a note from him; what kind of counsel would he give, what would I want to hear from him, and what would I want to tell my kids if I were passing.

I dedicate this to my amazing mom who did a great job raising us 6 boys!

Thanks to my beautiful daughter Elli for singing with me!


You left us when I was 7 years old, 
Though you had no choice, I just can’t let go
Years down the road, and here I am,
Wishing for another chance to hear your voice again,
Lord knows I’ve tried, but I still struggle to get by,
And in my time of doubt, I wonder why, 
Then I opened up the good book, and a note fell on the floor,
Tears rolled from my eyes, I found what I was looking for, 
My dear son, I won’t be here long,
The time has come, where I must move on, I’m going home, 
When you find this note, I’ll be gone,
But I want you to know… matter where you go, you’re not alone,
If you find yourself wondering if someone loves you,
Look up above, I’ll be watching you,
Remember… who you are,
There’ll be times when you’re lost, and don’t know where to go,
Get down on your knees and follow that road,
And remember… that I love you son. 
2nd Verse
Can’t believe what I just read,
I never knew what he would have said,
Now I know, my fathers’ watching over me,
Now I’m here with my own son,
Asking myself if I have done,
Enough to let him know how I feel,
I’m here watching you dream, 
And I need you to know, that you’re everything to me, 
My Dear son, I may not always be here,
The time may come, where I must move on, but for now I’m home
I’m here for you, no matter what you do,
And I want you to know… matter where you go, you’re not alone,
If you find yourself wondering if someone loves you,
Look up to me, I’ll be here for you,
Remember… who you are,
There’ll be times when you’re lost, and don’t know where to go,
Get down on your knees and follow that road,
And remember… 
Life’s hard I know, but we all have room to grow,
Without a challenge, how would we learn, 
If you find yourself wondering if someone loves you,
Look up to me, I’ll be here for you,
Remember… who you are,
There’ll be times when you’re lost, and don’t know where to go,
Get down on your knees and follow that road,
Remember… that I love you son.

This song was so heart felt to us and we had to share it with you all .. Thanks so much for taking the time to listen 

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