Stupid Questions Get Stupid Prizes there is truth to the statement.
this interview and live music video should leave you with some JUICY tips on how to move forward in what ever it is that you are doing. Like in think else it takes money to go far but as well as saving and investment. To often you hear about how someone expect what ever it is that they are wanting most right here and right now when in fact it might take years to gain. Life is more of a marathon not a sprint ! Getting under or beside the like minded people will take you so far. but when you are there and looking to learn do be mindful and listen more then you speak ! its not about what you say its about what you hear . Any way Hope you enjoy the interview
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OHH we are also looking to see what is going on in peoples lives on there youtubes post them here in this link and we will take a look at what you have to offer !
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