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Use Your Talents Not Your Flaws

 self-evaluation is key, if you don't know yourself then you don't really know much. It is very important for you to know exactly what it is that you like to do and what it is that you do not like to do. Often we find ourselves just hopping right into the situation and we yet have found ourselves. It's very important that we are true to ourselves when we come to evaluate ourselves. Knowing just what you're best at and knowing just what you're not very good at. Spend more time doing the things that you're a good at and spend less time worrying about things you're not so good. It does not make sense for you to practice being tall but it does make sense for you to practice making the ball in the basket if you're playing basketball. I know that this video will give you that motivation that you need to carry on

If you’re talented, skilled and capable of adding value – which by the way, you are – you need to come off the bookshelf and shine brightly. And you need to do it now!
You have a responsibility to others
You have a responsibility to yourself
You don’t want to have wasted your life
Where am I making a contribution?
How am I benefiting others?
What am I doing with my talents?

in this video you will hear a question that has been answered I will try to have this boost some insight and motivation in what every it is that is holding you back.  I do think that this video might give you another way to look at the issues that you might have at hand

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