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Should I add this fish?


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Here is the Old School Clown Loaches Video I did:

Here is a video about Loaches in General:

Here is the clip from Alex Diaz (nice fish man)

No Maintenance Playlist

Fish Tank Legends, Sick Fish Rooms:


Aquarium Plants For Sale:
To Loach or not to loach?
To loach or not to loach? That is the question. Yes. Should I put loaches in to this bad boy behind me here? It sounds like a simple enough question, but it’s not a simple answer… Why. What if I didn’t loach this bad boy. Here is what I am stuggling with today. To loach or not to loach.

OK. Let’s take a look at this first. If I put loaches in here.
What are the upside? Well for one I will almost instantly have my snail “Problem” under control. That is to say loaches are built for eating these kinds of things. I have done a video on this you can click the link around here somewhere and check it out. They have the sucking mouth action that will get them pulled out in no time. That’s one thing. 

Let’s talk about the other upsides, they will maintain the bottom of the aquarium well, that is to say, they will eat most anything that falls to the bottom, another plus.
How about the schooling look of clown loaches will school like champions together in a tight pattern, swimming together all over the place.

Those are the upsides, Let’s talk about the down sides. 
First, In this tank I have a troop of about 15 cory cats, these guys were caught on the last trip I went on to peru. Yes, elegance cory cats, however. Cory cats, unlike clown loaches don’t eat snails. The cories are more so dependant on getting fed from ME. Feeding these fish is actually something I don’t do that often. (Show feeding clip) So with the addition of say 6-12 clown loaches, I will be adding in another bottom feeder to this tank alongside an already shy, sometimes hungry group of cory cats. The bottom line, my concerns are two fold with the cories and mixing with the clown loaches. 
1. The cories won’t come out any more
2. The cories will starve if the clownloaches are their wild selves.
Here comes another downside.
Remember what I said about loaches eating snails? 
I don’t think clown loaches (or any loaches for that matter) will have any problem devouring the regular snails I have in here, but what if I wanted to get crazy with some other types of snails? I have been really getting into snails out in the greenhouse these days. I have zebra and tiger nerites, (Tigers are Red- Zebars are black )
I also have grown to love the algae eating, crinum cleaning abilities of Mystery snails. (whos shear size and colors would look great in here!) 

With snails, lots of them, I could be even more lazy that I already am with this tank. I could have them keep the algae under control with minimal work on my part.
I suppose I could risk it, adding the clown loaches, trying out a few larger snails and seeing how it goes, but once you add clown loaches, they are pretty much in here for good. Getting fish outta here is no easy task.
Here is something else to consider. 
One of the things I totally love about this aquarium is the SCALE of it. The 220 has a large viewing area and a bunch of LARGE features including both the almighty crinum natans and the large rocks with the hardscape. Why not go smaller, yes, get TINY with it.
Stick with me. What if I was able to add a really insane amount of shrimp to this sucker? There is no question they would breed after awhile. Yes I have an angelfish, but one angelfish wouldn’t be able to decimate the population I would have in here. However, school of clown loaches would take them to school quickly!


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