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ixhadbadxdays: I have spammed 3 of my reps with 5 faxes each with the same message tonight. Send...


I have spammed 3 of my reps with 5 faxes each with the same message tonight.

Send “Resist” to 50409 to start the fax system.

You’ll give your name and address when prompted.

Select who you want to send messages to.

Just send “Congress” if you want to send to your rep, governor, and senator at the same time.

Type your message, as long as you want it to be, then send “done.”

After that, you have the option of starting over, adding to it, etc. If you’re done, send “send.” It’ll tell you it’s queued up the messages/faxes, and then send you a confirmation when the faxes/messages were delivered.

Honestly, if these people aren’t sick of me by the end of the week and into next week, then I haven’t done my job. I plan on recording voicemails tomorrow to send them as well. I’ll just keep sending both all week. They won’t get any of it until after Thanksgiving, but they’re getting them dammit.

Feel free to join me in annoying the hell out of our government to stop the elimination of net neutrality. I don’t plan to go down without kicking and screaming and bugging the shit out of these people.

These two apps/systems are great for people like me with severe anxiety and can’t make phone calls to save ourselves.

The message/fax system is called Resist, and the voicemail leaving app is called Stance.

Y'all join me.

via Tumblr


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