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Live Interview Promo FSC Radio

The name of the game is, how many places can I find you at when it comes to Growing your Brand. With this promotion it is sure to gain you more exposure with a simple Interview and here is how it works. First we will need to set a time that you’re going to be available, to be interviewed on my channel Secondly I will need you to send me these 3 KEY pieces of information to A bio, along with 3 pictures, as well as your MP3, the song of your choice. The Song that you choose WILL be Played all the way Through so please do not choose songs you are not ready to air to the world. Once I have received these things we will then carry on with the 3rd 4th and 5th steps. The 3rd Step will consist of a brief conversation held via phone, so it is important to send your best contact number along with the best time to reach you so that this will be a smooth transition. As I said during the call We will discuss and talk more about how we will structure the interview. After we find the right marketing Angle I will set up the show. The 4th step will be to lodge the interview on different platforms 2–3 days before we go live Via Youtube. this will allow time for people to see that you will be having a Live show. The 4th step will consist of making sure you can properly Log in, COMFORTABLY. LAST is the interview.
After the interview is held you can expect to see your interview cut up into 4 pieces, catered to the marketing angle that we discussed. This will give you more content to share with your viewers as well as organic comments for you to grow and connect with. Not to mention more chances for someone to find you and learn more about who you are and what you are doing. So out of One interview you will Recive 10 Unique pieces of content catered to your Specific needs. This is Truly a remarkable way to spread your brand with little effort on your behalf.

Live Interview Promo FSC Radio


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