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In The Rain Demo- Montez McCamish
Click this link to hear the live song ! 

November 30, 2015
Montez McCamish
Hello Readers much light and peace to you all,
First I would like to tell you all THANKS so much for all the support that you all have given through out my journey within my musical and spiritual journey! without you all and the support that you all have given a lot of knowledge would not have been shown to me. As we all know there is a SEASON for everyone but the hardest part is waiting on it and being attentive to the other matters at hand. 
I am so happy to announce to you all that  This is my official website and in order to keep in touch with me or up to date you will need to keep up with MY Official website.
as you know I have been signed to a Major Record Label "Ocean Front Records" and I am expanding my team of people to work with. I am always open to new project an ideas. You never know hat a simple hello might lead you. There are plenty of people to talk to but its that one person that might make a world difference for you. 
Others and I have just Launched a webisode Underground Marketing. It is a platform for people looking to market there expertise or passion to a large variety of viewers we do see it reaching the next level next year . Be sure to connect to the facebook page and twitter page the links are below. --- Facebook
As of now I am working on music to have published and licensed for Devils Advocate TBA 2016 
also I will be releasing my First single under Ocean Front Records in the begin of 2016. I have been able to connect with a lot of people within the months of growing also I have had to drop relationships . But what I do know is that the train is moving and its like this get on Board or get passed by, and then get a cup of shouda coulda woulda.
on another note 
Thanks for your Reading,
Montez McCamish 


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